01923 261 795
Service Times
St Lawrence, Abbots Langley

Our main act of worship is our 9.30am service on a Sunday morning
8am - Holy Communion (BCP on last Sunday of the month)
9.30am - Parish Communion with Seekers
(except 2nd Sunday which is an All Age Communion)
Followed by refreshments in the church hall
If you can't make it in person, you can either watch the live service through the St Lawrence Facebook page or on churchmedia.tv/abbotslangley.
You can also view previous services at both of these sites. You do not need to have a Facebook profile to view the page.
5.00pm - Evening Prayer (Book Of Common Prayer), held on some Sunday evenings - check the weekly pew sheet for more details.
On the third Sunday of the month we have a Taize service at 5.00pm instead of Evening Prayer
On the last Sunday of the month we have an informal afternoon service 'The Spark', at 3.30pm instead of evening prayer. All ages welcome.
9.30am - Morning Prayer (Common Worship)
11.15am - Quiet Reflection
12pm - Eucharist
Click below to see what else is going on during the week at our churches, as well as finding out more about our childrens groups that happen during our Sunday services